Gary Crum

For Wyoming Senate District 10

Join Gary in his mission to build a better future for Albany County. 

Why I’m Running for State Senate

I’m proud to be born and raised in this great state.  I’ve spent decades living and working in Laramie and I’m committed to serving you, the citizens of Albany County.

As a University of Wyoming graduate, I’m passionate about quality education. I’m also focused on strengthening rural healthcare, representing agriculture, growing the economy, and developing responsible property tax reform.

As your next state senator, I will deliver results that benefit Albany County residents. I spent my entire career being accountable and transparent and I plan to address and debate the tough issues facing Wyoming and Albany County. I’m honored to have received Senator Dan Furphy’s endorsement for Senate District 10 and will continue his legacy of strong representation and leadership at our state capitol after he retires.

My Views on the 2nd Ammendment

Every day, people across our great state responsibly use their Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. I will support and fight for Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. People in Wyoming use firearms responsibly to protect and provide for their families, and they should be allowed to continue to do so.

About Gary

Gary is a proven businessperson with an extensive background in finance that will support his path to become a leader in the Wyoming Legislature. He is the former co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer for Western States Bank headquartered in Laramie and began his banking career in 1986 with First Wyoming BancSystems.

In September 2006, Gary founded Wyoming State Bank, in his Laramie basement, which later became Western States Bank. He’s been actively involved in the community including matters relating to tourism, healthcare and economic development and currently serves as a Boy Scouts of America national executive board member and heads the organization’s National Operations Leadership Committee while also serving as a scoutmaster.

He has been extensively involved in youth sports and officiated basketball and football for more than 30 years including NCAA Division 1 College Football and national bowl games. Gary played football for the University of Wyoming and was drafted in the NFL by the Miami Dolphins.

Gary is dedicated to his family that includes his wife Lois of 38 years and four children: Olivia, Frank, Evan and Estelle. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from the University of Wyoming and an MBA from the University of Utah.

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